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Your Portal to Unlimited Healing is HERE
21st Century Cutting-Edge Science
Supporting Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Well-Being
Unparalleled Technology, Applications, and Potential
Stress can be defined as any experience that challenges the capacity of your body to maintain a balanced state. This balance, called homeostasis, is vital for the normal, disease-free operation of your body systems on a daily basis, which takes many parameters into account. Some of these include body temperature, pH, fluid balance, and hormonal balance. When was the last time you managed these, personally? Hint: You didn’t! There are trillions of cells and countless systems at work in the body all juggling tasks every moment beyond what we can comprehend! Essentially, a lot of work has to be done, and we can’t consciously do it ourselves.
Fortunately for us, there’s an intelligence that assembled our body, and heals it too. Stress is normal and we need it. An underactive fight-or-flight response has been implicated in severe PTSD and chronic fatigue syndrome. What is not normal, is chronic, unhinged stress that has become so commonplace and normalized that our attention to it has faded into a background hum. The problem becomes apparent when we can’t do the things we love to do. This is how disease starts.
We don’t need to know every detail of how the nervous system works to recognize that our bodies are made of systems and can feel nervous. However, some introductions are in order. As mentioned above, there’s a lot of communication and coordination that needs to take place between all of the systems in the body. Much of that is undertaken by neurons, or nerve cells, which pass on messages chemically and electrically along pathways, nerves, that connect various organs and tissues in the body to the central nervous system (CNS), i.e. the brain and spinal cord.
What are commonly known as the fight-or-flight (sympathetic) and rest-and-digest (parasympathetic) responses are only two components of our entire nervous system. They, along with the enteric nervous system, which is largely responsible for digestive processes in the gastrointestinal tract, comprise the autonomic nervous system (ANS), a branch of the peripheral nervous system, which operates outside of the CNS. This family tree is getting a little long! Here’s a visual to settle your stomach.
All activity of the ANS is unconscious, which means that you do not have conscious control over it, unlike moving your limbs or using your muscles. Given that there are a countless number of processes constantly at work by all of your body systems, one can only truly be healthy and disease-free if the ANS is balanced. The significance of this cannot be overstated. Even the most thorough and intuitive therapists in the world can’t work against your physiology. If your fight-or-flight response is overly activated, which is an underlying cause of the majority of doctor’s office visits, all the time and money you spend on therapy will have a LIMITED effect on your well-being, at best. Modern medicine has recognized stress as one of, if not the, ultimate cause of disease. But there’s a way out, and forward…
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could visually show the ANS activity live and adjust it back to balance? This isn’t science fiction. It’s real. The technology exists to measure, visualize, and modulate the ANS in real-time, returning one back to a place of zero stress. This zero-stress point is the same homeostasis we discussed at the beginning, and is a pre-requisite for all healing. From this place, not only can we use the energy we have available to keep up with our body's to-do list, detox, repair tissues, and heal, but enhance functions like memory, IQ, and meditation. It’s where the internal physician, that knows how to grow a body out of two cells, can function most optimally, taking care of the things we can’t, or know how to, do.
In addition to being a requirement for healing, the homeostasis point is where the subconscious mind opens up and becomes much more malleable. This is where traumas and much of our emotional baggage is stored. One’s ability to heal is only limited by their awareness of what’s holding them back. If these shadows of our past are not addressed, we will only make nominal changes in our life as a whole. Most of the mass of an iceberg (one’s mental activity) sits below the water (one’s awareness). We can move that mass to make waves of change in our lives, but only if we directly access it. In fact, we operate from our subconscious mind up to 95% of the time, which often harbors significant disempowering belief systems, giving rise to a less than fulfilling life and suboptimal health.
So, how do we get there? First, we must define what there is. There, is the point of homeostasis defined by zero stress in the ANS. What this looks like is shown below in the image in the "How Does It Work?" section in the top left window as a point in between the fight-or-flight (blue) and rest-and-digest (green) responses. This is where all of the energy you have to move your body, digest foods, produce hormones, and so on, becomes available for healing, in whatever form you need it to take. Bio-Tuning uses the most primordial experience known to man to coax the body to return there. SOUND. For the first 9 months of our lives, we live in a float tank in the womb, deprived of sight, smell, taste, and touch, picking up stimuli as a vibration. The ancients knew about its power, and so do we. It is to here, that we return…
Dr. Hans Jenny, pioneer in CYMATICS
Comprised of "neuro", meaning 'nerve' , and "acoustic", referring to 'hearing' or 'sound', in Greek, this modality influences the body's nervous system using sound and vibration. In a manner of speaking, we're actually communicating directly with your stress response using frequencies to find out what will return it to harmony!
Sound is a primeval experience in all human development. We develop our perception of it while in the womb via propagation through amniotic fluid. This means that regardless of background, race, gender, age, or culture, we all share a common beginning in a world of sound and vibration. Using this approach, we can tune into the body systems beyond our conscious control and bring them back to balance, so that they support every part of our healing!
To the left, a display of a typical Bio-Tuning session is annotated.
We begin by collecting heart-rate data from sensors placed on both wrists, while the Bio-Tuning program calculates your heart-rate variability (HRV), a gold standard in Western medicine, and produces a real-time output of your ANS activity. This allows us to see exactly how your body is responding to the therapy.
After collecting 3 minutes of data, we initiate a sweep of sound over 2 octaves that reverberates through your entire body via the left-right stereo separation sound table that you are laying on. You will also hear this through headphones, as generated through the Bio-Tuning program. As the frequency changes, so will your body's response to it. The frequency that prompts your body to switch between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems is your unique Fundamental Frequency.
Your Fundamental Frequency brings you to zero stress, which is required for any healing to take place. This is why we use 5 octaves of it to resonate all of your body systems, pumping them full of pure energy in the form of sound and vibration. We pair this with a different frequency going into each ear of your headphones (called a binaural beat), which brings (entrains) your brainwaves into a very deep sleep state (called delta). While in this vibration-induced homeostasis, your delta brainwaves begin to function normally again, and become stronger (like a muscle group), often quickly restoring proper sleep patterns in the process. You will receive a copy of your track to listen to daily, which is yours forever, until your next session.
Because the physical stress handling system deals with the physical, mental, emotional, and self-defeating belief systems, we spend 3 sessions working with delta brainwaves of increasing frequency. This sets the stage for rebalancing every part of you physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and metaphysically. As before, you will receive a copy of each track to listen to between sessions and for when you're finished and wish to maintain, or even enhance, where you're at.
Along with the 3 delta sessions, there are 5 more optional sessions (theta, alpha, DMN 1, DMN 2, and gamma) that are intimately linked to emotions, relaxation, focus, dissociative and neurological disorders, meditation, and more. Your issue(s) of concern and how your body responds to the sessions will be taken into consideration as we curate a specialized series of tracks to stream-line, fulfill, and align with your healing process, leaving no stones unturned. Every session will be recorded and provided to you as we go deeper and further and select only the tracks that will benefit you most.
Dissolution of disease and discomfort are only the start. We are now beyond healing and can work with specific borderline brainwave states to focus on enhancing frequencies related to memory, learning, IQ, and more. Want to go further? Expansion truly pushes the boundaries of what you thought was possible with sound and vibration. Here, we can work with very low (on the level of plant respiration) and high (meditating with the brainwaves of a monk) frequency binaural beats. It is here where options for psychoacoustic out-of-body experiences exist.
Fall asleep more quickly, with fewer interruptions, and wake well rested with delta frequencies
Relief is not the absence of stress, but a balancing of the stress response
Less distractions, greater attention span, and stay in the zone with SMR beta binaural beats
Complete recovery is only possible when the body's energy returns to the zero stress point
Spiritually expand and explore within, without distractions with gamma frequencies
Personalized packages for specific conditions with research-backed brainwave speeds are available
We get it, health is an investment. A BIG one. That's why we offer numerous sessions without financial commitments. Dip your toe in today with a free 20-minute Consultation and/or 30-minute Intro to Bio-Tuning session! Whether you want a formal introduction, quick chat, or even medical grade stress response monitoring, we got you, without making a single purchase.
75% or more of disease is directly related to chronic stress. There's a way out, and forward. Psychoacoustics offers this and so much more... Subscribe to our newsletter to step deeper into this world and receive $17 off your session!
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